Acoustic Wave Therapy, or Shock Wave therapy, is a treatment that is used to improve the health of the skin and tissue around the body. It works by using low-intensity sound waves that can stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.
The technique is non-invasive and has a virtually unmatched record of effectiveness and safety. There are few known side effects, and patients report complete recovery. This treatment can benefit a wide range of conditions.
While there are sexual positions to last longer and medications to treat PE and ED symptoms, resolving the underlying issue is ultimately imperative. Acoustic Wave Therapy can be helpful in treating a variety of conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries, varicose veins, gout, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, nerve damage, and chronic soft tissue lesions. Aside from promoting the renewal of cells, the sound waves can also reduce inflammation, which can alleviate pain. These types of treatments have also been shown to strengthen connective tissue and reduce cellulite.
In order to benefit from this type of therapy, a patient will need to be evaluated by a trained practitioner. They will then use acoustic waves to target specific areas of the body. For optimal results, it is recommended that a treatment schedule is set up. Treatment typically consists of six to eight sessions, with some people needing as many as twelve. Patients will also need to be re-evaluated every two or three weeks.
Aside from its cosmetic benefits, acoustic shockwave therapy can restore blood circulation in the area. This can prevent hematoma formation and break up scar tissue. Sound waves can also help to eliminate calcium buildup in the arteries. By restoring proper circulation, the body can get back to its normal function.
As men age, they experience less blood flow. Symptoms such as Erectile Dysfunction (ED) often result from the accumulation of plaque in the penis. The arteries become narrower, and this decreases the efficiency of blood flow. AWT can treat ED by breaking up the thick plaque and promoting the development of new blood vessels.
Before undergoing acoustic wave therapy, patients are required to discuss their medical history and perform a physical examination. While the process is largely painless, some people might experience minor discomfort during the procedure. If this happens, Tylenol may be prescribed to relieve the discomfort.
While Acoustic Wave Therapy is beneficial for many conditions, the best results have been reported in cases of vascular problems. Studies have proven that the procedure can also increase mobility and reduce pain. Other conditions that can benefit from acoustic waves include Peyronie’s disease and varicose veins.
Although acoustic wave therapy is a painless procedure, some men might feel a mild discomfort during the procedure. The slight discomfort may last for a few days before it subsides. After the first two or three treatments, most patients are free of any discomfort. However, some discomfort might return before the next scheduled treatment.
While the results of Acoustic Wave Therapy are highly dependent on the nature of the condition, most patients are free of discomfort after a few weeks. A regular maintenance program can also help patients who suffer from erectile dysfunction.